History of aluminum foil container

It is said after II World War,one day a Japanese wanna eat his meal but couldn''t find a bowl,latter he found a piece of metal,he pinch it by hands into a container,then he used it to eat,at the same time a German passed by and saw what he did,he think he find a business chance,he went back to his country.

He used Aluminum foil,and make the machine to press a container,it seems much more excellent than Japanese did,then he bulid factory to produce al-foil container and sold to more and more people.

Today aluminum foil container is very popular worldwide,they are used in hotel,restaurant,and especially airlines.

Aluminum foil can be recycled,they can keep our earth clean,also won''t do harm to our health,they are cheap,everycountry all can enjoy hot sales,they are lightweight,easy to carry,it''s quite convenient for plenty of people.

Dear friends,why not choose aluminum foil container?

Will you join us to create a green and environmental earth?

Aluminum foil container making machine
al-foil container
mould accessory
Coating aluminum foil
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